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Online comment: revenge of the idiots?

I was all prepared to write a rant about the sorry state of online commenting. I was going to tie it into Rob Ford and the general decline in public discourse. But—you know what?—in the theatre section of, the state on online commentary ain’t so...

Book The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi NOW

The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi is one of those beautiful PuSh offerings with a ridiculously short run. It closes January 25 so book now.  Dragonfly is about Gaston Talbot who has been unable to talk since he experienced a trauma at 16. Decades later, he can finally...

Get a measure of Mom medicine this weekend

I  highly recommend two shows in the world of Vancouver theatre this weekend: Asha and Ravi Jain’s A Brimful of Asha and TJ Dawe’s Medicine. I’ve also got high hopes for director Kevin Bennett’s take on Measure for Measure, which opens at...

Shameless self-promotion

Is it shameless self-promotion even if I’m quoting other people?  Yeah, it is. But what the heck. One of the best things about working as a substantive editor and story editor is that the authors I work with are so darn appreciative.  Recently, Rebecca Murdock,...