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Fresh Roten

Okay, I want to join the Die Roten Punkte fanclub. The Cultch opened its 2012/2013 season last night with Die Roten Punkte’s new show, Eurosmash. Die Roten Punkte, which translates as The Red Dots, is a two-person parody band. Its German members Astrid and Otto...

Personal growth—in three acts

            Stories are about struggles—successful or not—to grow in wisdom and understanding. In a HAPPY story, the hero starts from a position of relative weakness or vulnerability, decides to face his fear, struggles to overcome his...

Creating a strong narrative spine

A strong story hangs from the clear, simple spine of a consistent, though deepening goal. The protagonist refines his goal and his understanding of his goal changes, but he does not shift his focus from one distinct goal to another. To say this another way: the Act 3...

Titanic is titanic

Titanic, which I saw at Malkin Bowl the other night, is an oddly non-flashy musical. There’s virtually no dancing and there are no big show tunes. Still, it’s a very satisfying work and director Max Reimer gives it an extraordinarily handsome production....