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Critical shortage

I saw Peter Birnie at Xanadu last night. It’s the last show that Peter will review; like a lot of other writers at the Sun and Province, he has accepted an early retirement package. Pete tells me that the Sun will fill the position with somebody who’s...

What is your protagonist DOING?

  The most common problem that I run into is passive protagonists. It’s also one of the easiest and most rewarding problems to fix. I have read drafts that were full of beautiful descriptive prose and almost no action. These manuscripts seduce at first, but...

Bloody exciting

I recommend two evenings this week. Macbeth, at Bard on the Beach, is bloody good. Colleen Wheeler makes a terrifying Lady Macbeth and Bob Frazer draws a clear and compelling arc as Mr. Mackers. Director Miles Potter makes great big choices and most of them—notably...