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This one is for publicists

I want to start by saying a big thank-you to Vancouver theatre publicists. In so many ways, all of you make my life—and, I’m sure, the lives of all of the other critics—so much easier. You help to make us look smart and informed, which must sometimes feel like...

Seasoned pros and fresh talent

This weekend, I recommend two shows. Take your pick: seasoned pros or fresh talent. At the Arts Club’s Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, you can watch old pros Ted Dykstra and Richard Greenblatt perform 2 Pianos 4 Hands. On the surface, it’s about growing...

Sex with 2 pianos and 4 hands may be maladjusted

Wondering what to see this weekend? There’s a smorgasbord, I tell ya, a smorgasbord. At the Cultch, Andy Thompson’s often-hilarious Broken Sex Doll offers a chance to see rising star Benjamin Elliott—and a couple of guys in jockstraps and lots of women in...

Terminal city

Pi Theatre’s production of Mark O’Rowe’s Terminus is handsome on all levels, but it’s not getting the sold-out houses it deserves. The imagery in the script is undeniably violent but, good lord, the language is beautiful and the performances...