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Onegin: more

Leave a Comment When I write reviews, I try to cram in as much information as possible—but there’s almost never enough room, so, right here, I’m going to cram in a little bit more about the Arts Club’s production of Onegin. Director Amiel Gladstone has done a...

Quick thought on race and casting

Leave a Comment Let’s not racialize actors of colour all the time. Do they always have to be in shows that are about race or racially specific experience? I was glad to see Carl Kennedy playing the neighbour in Common Grace at Pacific Theatre recently. Kennedy is...

Wish list: artists of colour

19 Comments Let’s help the Arts Club out. Seriously. The company announced its 2016/2017 season this week, and artistic director Bill Millerd has been receiving criticism for including only one writer of colour in his core season, and no directors of colour. Anosh...

This weekend, go gay

Leave a Comment I don’t care who you’re having sex with, as long as nobody is getting hurt—well, as long as nobody is getting hurt non-consensually—go see The Gay Heritage Project at the Cultch. In this production from Toronto’s Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, three...