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Beautiful puppets gallop through a sentimental spectacle

I was dazzled by the horse puppets and I cried a couple of times—but often I was bored. War Horse is a  disappointingly empty spectacle.  The story is about a 16-year-old English lad named Albert, and his hunter, Joey. When his dad sells Joey into military use at the...

My pick of the picks of the fringe

  Again this year, the Vancouver Fringe Festival is holding over some of its most popular shows. Of those, I highly recommend 6 Guitars and Unpossible! In 6 Guitars, Chase Padgett becomes half a dozen characters who all play the guitar in different styles. His...

Vancouver Fringe: early picks

This year at the Victoria Fringe Festival I learned never to trust my intuition: shows that I thought looked like caca turned out to be great; others, that I thought were guaranteed winners, not so much.  I’d read the book version of Alison Wearing’s...