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Snow White: like getting stuck in a windstorm

Snow White: like getting stuck in a windstorm

Maybe I caught a particularly rough performance of Carousel Theatre’s Snow White. At the Saturday matinee I attended, the audience was small and there were a lot of adults, which could partly explain why the show didn’t come close to generating the kind of runaway...
A (bumpy) Christmas in Wales

A (bumpy) Christmas in Wales

This production is kind of like an old pillow: deliciously comfy sometimes but too often shapeless. Director Sarah Rodgers and her father Denis have adapted Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales, a poetic piece of prose that runs about 20 minutes if you speak it...
Disrespectful Hiring Practices in Vancouver Theatre

Disrespectful Hiring Practices in Vancouver Theatre

This is a guest article by a young Vancouver actor who would like to remain anonymous. They are talking about their experiences and expressing their opinions. I am very grateful to them for sharing this articulate piece and I look forward to hearing feedback from...