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How the World Began — and how it stalled

It’s kind of like a horror movie with an obvious out — like “Why don’t they just call the cops?” In her 2011 script How the World Began, Catherine Trieschmann sets up an artificial conflict between the scientific and the religious. Susan has recently arrived in...

Made in Italy: Do they take returns?

I was sitting in the theatre writing notes about the end of civilization. I mean, I understand the value of distraction, but does it have to be this mindless, this reactionary? I’m not saying there isn’t skill involved in this production of Made in Italy. Farren...

Bunny: Hop to it. (Sorry, but you really should.)

Because standing up for everything makes standing ovations meaningless, I hardly ever give them. But I was on my feet at the end of Bunny before I knew it — and I was hollering, “Brava! Brava! Brava!” I was so moved by this play and production. And I am so proud of...