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Why we shouldn’t take the Jessies too seriously

If we ever needed a reminder of why we shouldn’t take the Jessies too seriously, all we have to do is look at this year’s awards in the large-theatre stream.  As I launch into this, let me make it clear that I am NOT knocking the awards that anybody got:...

Tough love makes another writer happy

“Colin, you are intellectually honest to a rigorous degree.  It’s such a pleasure reading your notes.  Very very helpful. I’ve been with [my manuscript] all weekend, making edits.  The writing gets easier all the time.” It’s such a...

Don’t let this Slipp

Actor Emma Slipp has come into her own this season (as have Lindsey Angell and Emmelia Gordon). Tonight and tomorrow are your last chances to see Slipp in Touchstone Theatre’s The Concessions. Thanks to poor dramaturgy, the script isn’t great— but Slipp...

Praise from Pam Withers

“I benefited from the editorial advice of…above all, the brilliant, patient, and ever-humourous Colin Thomas” : very kind words from multiple best-selling author Pam Withers, in her recently published Paintball Island. Thanks, Pam! I will strive to...