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Night Passing: You can give it a pass

Well-intentioned and over two-hours long, the audio play Night Passing is, unfortunately, boring. Set in Ottawa in 1958, playwright Scott Button’s script explores the entrapment of gay men and lesbians by the RCMP. Fueled by anti-communist hysteria south of the...

Imagine Van Gogh: Take the leap

Go. But take earplugs. *** I was happy for hours after seeing Imagine Van Gogh. To experience the piece, you enter a huge room — in Vancouver, it’s at the Convention Centre — in which the towering walls and, somehow it seems, the floor, are rear-projection surfaces....

Out of Order: That’s what I call Covid relief!

Oh sweet, sweet sexiness! There’s darkness in this pandemic-themed, pandemic-era production from the circus collective Les 7 Doigts (The 7 Fingers) but, for me, the overriding experience is about the spectacular joys of embodiment and connection. Through The Cultch,...

Poetic Consultations: easy communion

I got to talk to a charming actor from Paris. Considering we were complete strangers when we started, our conversation was surprisingly easy and intimate. And, at the end of it, Johanna White performed a poem for me based on her assessment of my needs. The experience...

An Acorn: abstraction over action

Early on, the speakers in An Acorn say, “It could be that we dreamed this/It could be that we desired this/It could be that we have no idea who we are.” It doesn’t take long to figure out that they’re talking about environmental collapse: “I want to get used to the...