Lysistrata: still funny after thousands of years

Let’s all just agree to see everything that Lois Anderson directs from now on, okay? Two years ago, her reinvention of Pericles for Bard on the Beach was a revelation. And this year she has brought us a Lysistrata that’s so fresh I feel younger after seeing it....

As You Like It: you’ll love it

It could have been a stupid gimmick. Instead, it’s transcendent In this Bard on the Beach production of As You Like It, director Daryl Cloran has excised about half of Shakespeare’s text and replaced it with Beatles songs. Cloran sets his production in British...

Macbeth: bloody loud

Macbeth! All shouting! All the time! Okay, they’re not shouting all the time, but there is a heck of a lot of hollering in director Chris Abraham’s take on the Scottish play and all of that volume keeps us on the surface of the text. Moya O’Connell’s Lady Macbeth is a...