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The story on West Side Story

One of the arguments against non-Equity touring productions, such as Troika Entertainment’s West Side Story, which is at the QE until this weekend, is that patrons get sucked into paying inflated high prices to see performers who have never appeared on the Great...

Online comment: revenge of the idiots?

I was all prepared to write a rant about the sorry state of online commenting. I was going to tie it into Rob Ford and the general decline in public discourse. But—you know what?—in the theatre section of, the state on online commentary ain’t so...

Shameless self-promotion

Is it shameless self-promotion even if I’m quoting other people?  Yeah, it is. But what the heck. One of the best things about working as a substantive editor and story editor is that the authors I work with are so darn appreciative.  Recently, Rebecca Murdock,...