What We’re Up Against: the politics outweighs the art

In What We’re Up Against, playwright Theresa Rebeck makes legitimate points, but the way she makes them is so boring! Eliza, who seems to be near the beginning of her career, has been at an architectural firm for five months. Rebeck quickly establishes that Eliza is a...

Hysteria: important ideas in search of a theatrical focus

A furious artist once told me, “I don’t care about structure! I don’t want to hear about structure!” — or words to that effect. She should probably not read this review. In Hysteria, playwrights Jill Raymond and Lauren Martin take on a couple of enormous subjects:...

The Fitting Room: the pieces don’t fit

Ellery Lamm, who wrote The Fitting Room, shows promise as a playwright, but that promise hasn’t ripened yet. In this script, she presents a parallel set of crises. In the first, Henry, who’s 13, has dared his friend Noah to stand on the ice in the middle of a hockey...