Fresh Roten

by | Aug 30, 2012 | Review | 0 comments

Okay, I want to join the Die Roten Punkte fanclub.

The Cultch opened its 2012/2013 season last night with Die Roten Punkte’s new show, Eurosmash.

Die Roten Punkte, which translates as The Red Dots, is a two-person parody band. Its German members Astrid and Otto Rot (Australian comedians Clare Bartholomew and Daniel Tobias) are brother and sister, but they don’t always get along.

In Eurosmash, Otto, heavily influenced by U2’s Bono and Coldplay’s Chris Martin, wants to do good—or at least sing about himself doing good. While he blathers on about saving the world by eating fruit, Clare stuffs herself with chips, rolls her eyes, and swigs vodka “for the pain.”

Bartholomew is a particularly skilled physical comedian and Tobias is a wonderful clown; in his innocence and sometimes desperately vacant focus, Tobia’s Martin kept reminding me of my dog.

These guys are clever social and commentators and they can REALLY REALLY ROCK OUT.

Their show is only up until Sunday. Go see ’em.


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