by | Sep 14, 2018 | Review | 0 comments

> David Johnston *

Five actors are arrayed behind a microphone/sound effects table, while a sixth directs from a tech booth. We’re watching a live improvised taping of a detective radio serial that is equal partsnoirand sci-fi. In reality, it is equal parts tentative and awkward.

Noir and sci-fi are such impressively deep genres. Why, oh why would you combine them without a working knowledge of either?

I suppose it’s possible I saw Dyck Spacee on an off night and the basic, uninspired improv was not representative of the show’s potential. But between the scripted and unfunny setup, the inconsistent plotting, and the dozens of thudding jokes, I doubt it.

I did laugh occasionally, in the same way that hurling a jar of marmalade at a ceiling fan would occasionally get some on my toast. Dyck Spacee aims very high and almost nothing sticks.

Remaining performances at the Improv Comedy Institute on September 14 (6 p.m. and 8 p.m.), and 15 (6 p.m. and 8 p.m.)


* This is a guest review.

David Johnston is a Vancouver-based actor, aerialist, and writer, not in that order. He recently hailed from the Edmonton Fringe, where he saw many excellent shows and also ate a green onion cake. The green onion cake got three-and-a-half stars. David is a recent graduate of Studio 58, and is currently writing a script about reviews, so this should be a rather meta experience. He’s delighted to join FRESH SHEET for the Vancouver Fringe.


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