So far, the only sure bet I have for this weekend is good old reliable Craigslist Cantata. Bill Richardson and Veda Hille’s musical revue, which is based on Craigslist ads is inspired and the multitalented cast is terrific. But that’s not all; a couple of upcoming shows are very promising.
I’m looking forward to playwright (and Vancouver Sun critic) Mark Leiren-Young’s Never Shoot a Stampede Queen, which opens tonight in a co-op production at the Arts Club’s Granville Island Stage. Mark’s book of the same name, which recounts his adventures as a cub reporter in the Cariboo, won the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour. Zachary Stephenson, who was so nerdy-sexy as the title character in The Buddy Holly Story, stars. And TJ Dawe is directing. Yeah. Pretty good team.
And Alley Theatre’s production of Jordan Hall’s Kayak opens next week as part of the rEvolver Festival. Hall won the Samuel French Canadian Playwrights Competition for this script, which looks at going green as a pose and going green as a call to action. It promises to mix politics with screwball comedy. Rachel Peake directs an impressive cast: Susan Hogan, Sebastian Kroon, and Marisa Smith.
Happy spring theatregoing!
UPDATE: Having seen Never Shoot a Stampede Queen, I no longer recommend it. You can check out my review on