by Colin Thomas | Dec 9, 2011 | Review
I’ve been posting my weekly theatre picks on Monday, but this week’s pick, Hotel Bethlehem, will have finished its Vancouver run by then, so I’m jumping the gun a bit. Drew McCreadie’s script is completely wacky. Not all of it works, but, under...
by Colin Thomas | Dec 5, 2011 | Review
When asked what advice I’d give to aspiring writers, I often say, “Take an acting class.” That’s because, in an acting class, you’ll find out what storytelling feels like from a character’s point of view, and you’ll get...
by Colin Thomas | Dec 5, 2011 | Review
A wise young actor named Sasa Brown once told me that, if you’re not having fun onstage, you have no business being there. Well, in Aaron Bushkowsky’s witty new play, After Jerusalem, actors Andrew McNee and Deborah Williams establish their right to be on...
by Colin Thomas | Dec 5, 2011 | Review
There’s nothing like a little homophobia to start off the holiday season. On the surface, La Cage aux Folles looks like it’s promoting inclusivity, but my sense is that it is also ridicules homosexuality. The relationship between the central gay...
by Colin Thomas | Dec 5, 2011 | Review
Isn’t this just the best baby mug shot? The photo is by my pal Michael Edmondson, who also did the pics on this site. Michael is a very nice guy and a terrific photographer, who specializes in weddings and kids. Do check out his work...