by Colin Thomas | Dec 16, 2024 | Review
The horses’ contributions are so much more impressive than the humans’. But the horses are great and so are their teamsters. So let’s start there. At the Caravan Farm Theatre’s winter shows, horse-drawn sleighs — or wagons, depending on how much snow there is — carry...
by Colin Thomas | Jul 30, 2024 | Review
This production is so unlikely and, in many ways, so successful. In her adaptation, writer and director Estelle Shook uses the Chekhov farces The Bear and The Proposal to explore the historical relationships between Indigenous and settler characters in the North...
by Colin Thomas | Dec 12, 2022 | Review
The Wonderful is not wonderful. You can’t beat the venue, but Luke Reece’s script is bad. A riff on the 1946 movie It’s a Wonderful Life, The Wonderful is Caravan Farm Theatre’s winter show. That means it takes place outdoors on a farm near Armstrong in the north...