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SUBSCRIBE—free!—to COLIN THOMAS’S NEWSLETTER Every week, I curate the best local, national, and international theatre coverage and send it right your mailbox. I include lots of links, so you can follow up on your favourite stories. And I include links to all of my...

Forget About Tomorrow: Get to the point

When I was returning to my seat after intermission, I had virtually no interest in what was going to happen next. That’s not a good sign. In Forget About Tomorrow, playwright Jill Daum tells the story of Jane, whose husband Tom develops early-onset Alzheimer’s. The...

The After After Party is a banger of a night out

The day after seeing The After After Party, I’m still laughing as I describe it to friends. The laughter is uncontrollable. Like I’m being tickled. By unseen hands. That belong to somebody that I like but can’t identify. If you’re up for an audacious good time, The...