by Colin Thomas | Jun 29, 2018 | Review
Pearle Harbour’s Chautauquais like a revival meeting for liberals—and a lot of us could use reviving these days. Chautauquas were a kind of tent meeting popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that offered a combination of entertainment and...
by Colin Thomas | Jan 19, 2018 | Review
I suspect that, on some level, many liberal Westerners are experiencing a more or less perpetual state of grief and dread. Donald Trump is in the White House. Institutions including the press and democracy itself are being eroded. On the political right wing and on...
by Colin Thomas | Nov 18, 2016 | Review
There should be laws—similar to child labour laws—that prevent the overworking of metaphors. Playwright Peter Dickinson buries the heart of his play, Long Division, beneath a series of monologues that declare and develop the metaphor of mathematics so academically...