Solo performer Carlyn Rhamey has charm to burn: she engages easily and confidently with her audience, inviting everybody in and capitalising on the liveness of the event.
But, in Scaredy Cat, most of the stories that she tells about her own fearfulness aren’t as engaging as she is. I mean, they’re okay and sometimes they even acquire a little weight — like when she introduces us to a client named Bob who has a mental handicap of some kind (she’s in a caregiving position with him) and he helps her to overcome her dread of haunted houses.
But the arc in which she faces a fear and overcomes it gets repetitive. And only once in the show did I get a genuine sense of trepidation. For the most part, Rhamey is so busy making fun of herself — “I can be such a baby!” — that she makes her material feel unimportant.
In The Nest on September 6 (5:00 p.m.), 8 (7:45 p.m.), 9 (10:30 p.m.), 12 (6:45 p.m.), 13 (8:30 p.m.) and 14 (3:00 p.m.) Tickets
This review is based on a performance at the Victoria Fringe.