Bree Grieg pitches her collection of stuffed penguins in Craigslist Cantata (which is what the show should really be called)
The remount of Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata opened on Wednesday night at the Arts Club’s Revue Stage, and it will still charm your pants off—and sell them online.
Creators Veda Hille and Bill Richardson have set Craigslist ads to music—either using the ads whole or taking them as jumping-off points—and the results are often hilarious: “For sale: child’s guillotine. Only used once.” Hille’s compositions are superb, whether she’s finding musicality in speech, as in a piece about a woman who wants to give away sponges, or creating a dizzily infectious dance number such as “Hi, my Lady.”
Cast member Selina Martin, who manages to be sexy, innocent, and ghoulish all at once, returns to sing about used cat hats. And new cast member Josh Epstein, who’s replacing Dmitri Chepovetsky, knocks it out of the park in a song about a guy looking for a woman to lie in a bathtub full of noodles.
Exquisitely directed by Amiel Gladstone, Craigslist has a serious undertow: loneliness. That undertow seems more underlined than I remember it being in the original version—the script has been reorganized—but don’t worry: Craigslist is a guaranteed good time.
It’s slated to run at the Arts Club’s Revue Stage until May 18.