by Colin Thomas | Nov 18, 2017 | Review
What a wasted opportunity. Foreign home ownership in Vancouver is a huge and complicated issue. With its threads of racism, self-righteousness, entitlement, greed, and privilege, it’s ripe for theatrical treatment. But, in his new script, Satellite(s), playwright...
by Colin Thomas | Nov 17, 2017 | Review
A huge part of the reward in Coming Up For Air is the depth that it finds in an ordinary life. Both George Orwell’s 1938 novel and Leslie Mildiner’s stage adaptation begin with the immortal line: “The idea really came to me the day I got my new false teeth.” That’s...
by Colin Thomas | Nov 16, 2017 | Review
Don’t go to The Ridiculous Darkness if you’re looking for a standard-issue night at the theatre, or even if you’re only interested in fully successful productions. Do go if you’re up for an aesthetic adventure. The provenance of this show is complicated. It started...
by Colin Thomas | Nov 7, 2017 | Review
I’d like to begin with some thank yous – First off, to my family and in particular my mom, who has made this life possible for me. To Jiv, the best person I’ve ever met at a theatre conference. To my theatre family – my dear friends and collaborators – The...
by Colin Thomas | Nov 7, 2017 | Review
“Phew. Hello. Bonjour. That’s pretty much all the French I’m capable of speaking – West Coaster, sorry. First: there is no way for me, up here, to say what I’m about to say in a way that doesn’t sound pro forma or like a cliché, but: it easily could have been...